There are numerous obstacles that prevent migrants, children and adolescents, people living in slums and people with disabilities from exercising their fundamental rights. For this reason, the Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ) held a series of meetings with members of these groups, civil society organizations and public authorities, with the aim of identifying the main difficulties they face and what kind of solutions are required to overcome them. The lack of information about their rights, the channels to demand them and the institutions that provide free legal advice and guidance are some of the barriers that arose most frequently.
From this, they created accesoaderechos.acij.org.ar, a platform that provides information on benefits and procedures related to immigration, education, social and housing programs, and public services. In addition, there are existing ways to claim against non-compliance by the State, claim models and notes to present to the responsible authorities and the places where you can go to receive free legal advice and sponsorship.
All the information on the web is also available in a Whatsapp bot, which through questions and keywords allows access to the data necessary to exercise the rights.
During the web development process, members of the different groups participated, who tested the prototype of the platform and made suggestions for its improvement.
From the launch, ACIJ hopes to continue expanding the topics, procedures and information in order to respond to the obstacles and needs faced by certain vulnerable groups when accessing their rights.
Accesoaderechos.acij.org.ar constitutes an empowerment tool, which not only generates knowledge about rights, but also capacities to claim for their effective compliance.
For inquiries on this topic, contact:
Soledad De Marco (ACIJ): Cel. (+54 11) 1556225062 – sdemarco@acij.org.ar
Source: inncontext.net