On December 17, Casa del Niño and the “Creadores de sueños” Youth Center in Bernal Oeste, Buenos Aires, Argentina, inaugurated, together with Ingeniería Sin Fronteras Argentina, a heated swimming pool for approximately one thousand girls, boys and adolescents who attend this and other organizations in the area.
The pool project arose at the beginning of 2017 and had as its mobilizing axis the need to cover one of the many violated rights of these popular neighborhoods. In January of that year, the organization put together the project with a strong narrative focused on strengthening rights and presented it in every imaginable arena. The answer was not surprising: “That it was crazy, that it was a very big project, that there was no money.” But the project was not resigned, and in that almost feverish search that convictions give, in April they met with the civil association “Ingeniería Sin Fronteras Argentina” (ISF-Ar), who took over the project and started the work.
To this beginning faced by two solidarity organizations, the volunteering of ISF-Ar was added and financing from the private sector and the public sector was obtained. After the interruption forced by the pandemic, in November 2021, the agreement managed by the municipal mayor of Quilmes, Mayra Mendoza, was signed with the Secretary of Social Inclusion of the Ministry of Social Development of the Nation, which allowed the roof to be placed and finish the work.
After five years, the community pool -located in Roque Cisterna between 184 and 185, Bernal Oeste-, will be inaugurated on Saturday, December 17 at 9:00 a.m., with the presence of its makers, the community of “Creadores de sueños”, reference organizations in the area and municipal, provincial and national authorities.
“Creadores de sueños” is an organization that began 37 years ago in the “25 de Mayo” neighborhood of Bernal Oeste. The initial objective was to respond to a strong food demand. Over time, it was reconverted until it became what it is today: a space for the promotion and protection of the rights of children and adolescents, attended by 217 children and adolescents on school leave from the time they start primary school until they they finish secondary education.
For inquiries on this topic, contact:
Lula Moreno (Engineering Without Borders): lmoreno@isf-argentina.org
Source: inncontext.net